Many of my relatives earned their Canine Good Citizen (CGC) titles this year (including Pixie and me). This title shows what well-behaved and friendly whippets we are. We are proud of these titles. Since I got this particular title, I was allowed to volunteer at the nursing home. I sure had a good time visiting with the people there. I like to lick them on their noses and they seemed to enjoy it.
Now as far as other titles go - here is the rundown (in alphabetical order by name):
Cousin King - ORC and NOTRA meet winner, #3 at NOTRA National race meet
Cousin Luther - WRA meet winner
Cousin Martin - NOTRA meet winner
Dad Panther - SORC2, NOTRA National meet winner, NOTRA National Champion (#1), MX, MXJ, AKC Invitational
Uncle Pete – OJ, OA and NF
Grandpa Poet – MACH, AKC Invitational #9 out of 95 dogs, first whippet to reach the finals
Aunt Punky - SORC
Mom Rita - AKC FC
Uncle Shax - #10 WRA, WRA and NAWRA meet winner
Brother Spinner - JC
Aunt Lateeda - CGC
Cousin Trumpet - WRCh and ORC, #6 at NOTRA National race meet
(please let me know if I forgot anyone or got any of this wrong)